This diabetes meal plan is aimed at ensuring you Eat the right diet as this is important to your well-being as good nutrition creates health in all areas of our existence. Interestingly, the majority of the chronic and life-threatening diseases; including Diabetes amongst others are caused by food choices, toxic food ingredients, nutritional deficiencies and lack of physical exercise.
In view of this, we have developed a medically certified meal plan to guide your diabetes reversal journey/treatment. You cannot be treating Diabetes at the same time fuelling it with improper diet during the period of treatment.
For elevated cases of Diabetes (FBS of 150mg/dl or 8.3mmol/l or 6.4hbalc and above) or if you have been on orthodox for more than 3 years or you are currently taking insulin, you should use Ambrex Paraniel with the Nacu Herbal Tea
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