About Us

Medi Herbs started in the mid-80s as far as 1984. Scientific analysis and research commenced in 1993 and the company was formally incorporated in 2003. As herbal medicine practitioners, we are collaborators with the World Health Organization (WHO), at the Collaborating Centre traditional medicine, department of Pharmacology, University of Lagos, which we joined in 1997 where our herbal products specifically Diabetes, Hypertension, infertility in women has been researched and analyzed. Over the last 30 years, we have recorded success stories of our patients that have been treated with our herbal remedies, especially in the area of Diabetes, Hypertension, Fever, Malaria, Infertility in women and many more.

We follow over Three (3) decades of relentless Herbal Research in the best interest of humanity’s well-being especially in Diabetes, Hypertension, Ulcer, High Cholesterol, Infertility in women, Cancer and other health complications.  Rudolf Steiner a teacher and philosopher once said, “For every human illness, somewhere in the world there exists a plant which is the cure “.

We Provide The Best Herbal-Care Service From 30 Years


Our Uttermost desire is to contribute to providing herbal remedies for diverse diseases such as Diabetes and Hypertension.


Our belief Is that natural herbs and natural therapy are more effective without adverse side effects considering that the human system is formed from nature


Our Uttermost desire is to contribute to providing herbal remedies for diverse diseases such as Diabetes and Hypertension.

Let’s Bring Nacu Herbal product Into
Your Lovely House

Nacu Herbal Tea is a natural preventive and reversal remedy for Diabetes (High Blood Sugar/Glucose) and it is prepared with 100% natural herbs with no chemical additives. Nacu Herbal Tea naturally influences and repairs the Pancreas so that through drinking the tea for a period of time, Diabetes loses its original cause. Nacu Herbal Tea benefits the whole glandular system, aids metabolism and helps people who suffer from chronic metabolic disorders.
How to use: Soak 3 tea bags in 50cl hot water overnight. Add another 50cl of boiled water into the soaked tea the next morning. Keep tea in a vacuum flask to remain warm throughout the day.

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